Gin Please

Wind in the bay but none where we need to go, so just a day chilling in the sun. Joe had his first foiling lesson but sadly the wind died before he had a proper shot at it. And we all tried foil wakeboarding, with Jeremy winning the prize for Read more…

Goodbye Islay

Yesterday we checked the point at the tip of the bay twice for wind in hopes of getting to the north of the island. But twice we had to turn back having been deceived by the funnelling affect we were experiencing in the bay as the wind was squeezed up Read more…

Islay’s on Islay

Towards the end of yesterday we could see in the distance, next to the two large “paps” of Jura, one of the most anticipated stops of our trip – Islay. With a high-pressure system approaching we knew today would be our last chance to reach it before the wind died. Read more…

Chicken Licken

The alarm was set for 05:00 this morning in hopes there would be wind with the tide. However we didn’t even need to get out of bed to realise there wouldn’t be enough. Probably a good thing as we’d been up the night before watching the England game. Seven o’clock Read more…

Northern Ireland

Coming out of the harbour this morning I thought we might have to abandon for the day. The swell had built over night and Mentor was rolling around almost uncomfortably. Usually I have enough time to do the porridge dishes and turn the wet suits right side out before we Read more…