Both Stew and I spent breakfast binge watching tacking videos. As today we were both going to tackle the tack. Fully suited in the garage and about to go, we disagreed on which way to turn your body during the maneuver. Whether you roll your back shoulder forward, effectively doing a surface back roll and having to untwist the lines afterwards. Or if you go in the opposite direction from the board, taking your front shoulder, facing down wind while the nose of the board goes through the wind. Back to the YouTube videos we went and both are possible.

Well we spent 5hours on the water, with of course a much needed cake break in between, ~2hours of which I spent attempting various forms of what should have been a tack. There were the ones that went over the handle bars with a slight jump to get away from the foil at the end. The super man slide on the stomach as the kite looped back into control. But in the end, the most common, was due to under flying the kite leaving me sitting in the water, in approximately the correct position to start again, just with a soggy bottom.

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The best two tacks of the day, were right in close to the beach as stew wanted to film the foil under water. Shame it was with the GoPro so was just too far away to really see. But it was seen, which means I can claim a successful session. If only all moves only took a day to learn!

Categories: Training


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