
Just approaching Lowestoft harbour there was a large boat manoeuvring. Joe was carefully directing us first inside as it looked to be heading out, then possibly outsides as it changed direction. In the midst of this serious conversation, I suddenly exploded with excitement. Just in front of me was first Read more…

Almost Famous

Sea Paling was one of the coolest places we stayed, at least from an engineering perspective. As part of the sea defences 9 man-made reefs have been built ontop of a pre-existing sand bar to help stop errosion. The first 4, built in 1995, stand 2.8m above high water and Read more…

Dodging the crab pots

We were rigged and ready for 09:00 this morning, a miracle given Stew is not a morning person. Think he forgot almost every piece of kit, circling back about 5 times to get his radio, or camera, or whatever. Despite our best efforts however there was not enough wind to Read more…

Awash on The Wash

We woke this morning to a millpond, we could see the whole reflection of the boat on the surface of the water. Giving into the fact there was no chance in kiting, we instead rigged up a wake-board towline from the handle of an old, very sharp, boat hook and Read more…