Doing a week on the Bakery Shift at work is always hard, but its worth it if there is something to look forward to at the end of it. So on Friday when I finished on time (ish), then met up with friends for a birthday dinner and dance, I thought that was my highlight done. But no, the weather forecast held, and Saturday turned out to be a beautiful Autumn day. The boulevard on the Rockaways was full with cyclers, rollerbladers and a kids hockey game.
Having not been out in a few months, the board felt a little rocky, the gybes were non existent, and the “tacks” which Stew had described how to do on the ride up, I hadn’t got. If I looked under my arm I ended up backrolling, if I concentrated on my board, I forgot about the kite and went for a loop, and keeping straight ended up in the board cartwheeling. Still nothing beats being on the water, no matter how unsuccessful the session.
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